Diy Top Bar Hive: A Rustic And Sustainable Addition To Your Home

Diy Top Bar Hive: A Rustic And Sustainable Addition To Your Home

DIY Top Bar Hive from a Barrel Lady Lee's Home
DIY Top Bar Hive from a Barrel Lady Lee's Home from

The Concept of a Top Bar Hive

A top bar hive is a type of beehive that is designed to mimic the natural habitat of bees. Unlike traditional hives, which have frames that hold pre-made honeycomb, top bar hives feature long, horizontal bars that the bees use as a guide to build their own comb. This method is more sustainable and allows the bees to build their comb in a way that is best suited to their needs.

The Benefits of a Top Bar Hive

Top bar hives have several benefits over traditional hives. Firstly, they require less maintenance, as the bees are left to build their comb naturally. They are also more sustainable, as they do not require pre-made frames or foundation. Additionally, top bar hives are more bee-friendly, as they allow the bees to build their comb in a way that is best suited to their needs. Finally, top bar hives are aesthetically pleasing and can be a unique and rustic addition to your home.

Design Approach and Color Scheme

The design approach for a top bar hive should be rustic and sustainable. The hive should be made from natural materials, such as wood or bamboo, and should be designed to blend in with the surrounding environment. The color scheme should be earthy and natural, with shades of brown, green, and yellow. This will help the hive to blend in with the natural surroundings and create a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere.

Furniture Placement and Decorative Options

As a top bar hive is a functional piece of furniture, it should be placed in an area that is easily accessible and visible. It can be placed in a garden, on a balcony, or even in a living room or bedroom. The hive can be decorated with plants and flowers that are attractive to bees, such as lavender, chamomile, and sunflowers. Additionally, the hive can be adorned with natural materials, such as stones, shells, and driftwood, to create a rustic and natural atmosphere.


A top bar hive is a sustainable and bee-friendly alternative to traditional hives. It is also a unique and rustic addition to your home, and can be decorated in a way that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. With the right design approach, color scheme, and decorative options, a top bar hive can enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of any space.

Designing A Resin Bar Top For A Relaxed Silo-Structured Room

Designing A Resin Bar Top For A Relaxed Silo-Structured Room

Live Edge Elm Epoxy Resin Bar Top For Steve Live edge countertop
Live Edge Elm Epoxy Resin Bar Top For Steve Live edge countertop from


When it comes to designing a room, the possibilities are endless. However, if you're looking for a unique and modern look, a resin bar top might just be the perfect addition to your space. In this article, we will explore how to design a room around a resin bar top with a relaxed SILO structure. We will cover color schemes, furniture placement, and other decorative options to enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of the space.

Resin Bar Top

Color Scheme

The color scheme for a relaxed SILO-structured room should be warm and inviting. Neutral colors like beige, white, and gray will create a calming atmosphere. You can also add pops of color with accent pieces like throw pillows, rugs, or artwork. If you want to make a bold statement, consider painting one wall a darker color like navy blue or forest green.

Neutral Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

When designing a room with a resin bar top, it's important to consider furniture placement. The bar top should be the focal point of the room, so position it in a central location where it can be easily accessed. You can add bar stools or high chairs around the bar top for seating. Place a comfortable sofa or armchair nearby for lounging.

Furniture Placement

Decorative Options

There are many decorative options to enhance the aesthetics of a room with a resin bar top. Consider adding plants or fresh flowers to bring life to the space. Hang artwork or photographs on the walls to add personality. Use decorative lighting like pendant lights or table lamps to create ambiance. You can also add texture with a shaggy rug or woven throw blanket.

Decorative Options


A resin bar top can be a beautiful addition to any room. By following these design tips, you can create a relaxed SILO-structured space that is both functional and stylish. With the right color scheme, furniture placement, and decorative options, your resin bar top will be the centerpiece of your room.

Gnome 3 Top Bar

Gnome 3 Top Bar

GNOME 3.20, Dynamic Top Bar with Fade In/Out Animation! {GNOME Shell
GNOME 3.20, Dynamic Top Bar with Fade In/Out Animation! {GNOME Shell from
Gnome 3 Top Bar


Gnome 3 is a popular desktop environment that is used by many Linux users. It comes with a top bar that provides easy access to various system settings and features. The top bar is an essential element of the Gnome 3 interface and can be customized to suit individual preferences.

Theme and Design Approach


The theme for the Gnome 3 top bar should be minimalistic and clean, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. The design should be modern and contemporary, with a touch of elegance and sophistication. The color scheme should be subtle and muted, with a mix of light and dark shades to create a sense of depth and dimensionality.

Design Approach

The design approach for the Gnome 3 top bar should be user-centric, with a focus on usability and accessibility. The top bar should be easy to navigate, with intuitive icons and menus that allow users to quickly access the features they need. The design should also be responsive and adaptable, with the ability to scale and adjust to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

The color scheme for the Gnome 3 top bar should be subtle and muted, with a mix of light and dark shades. The primary color should be a light gray or white, with darker shades of gray and black used for text and icons. A splash of color can be added to highlight important features or notifications, such as a bright blue or green.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

Since the Gnome 3 top bar is a software element, there is no furniture placement to consider. However, it should be positioned at the top of the screen to provide easy access to system settings and features.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options

There are several decorative options that can be used to enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of the Gnome 3 top bar. These include:

  • Custom icons and themes
  • Background images or patterns
  • Transparency or opacity settings
  • Animation effects or transitions


The Gnome 3 top bar is an essential element of the Gnome 3 desktop environment. It provides easy access to system settings and features, and can be customized to suit individual preferences. The theme and design approach for the top bar should be minimalistic and clean, with a focus on usability and accessibility. The color scheme should be subtle and muted, with a mix of light and dark shades. Decorative options such as custom icons and themes, background images or patterns, transparency or opacity settings, and animation effects or transitions can be used to enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of the top bar.