Barnes And Noble Pasadena Ca: Interior Design For A Cozy Reading Room

Barnes And Noble Pasadena Ca: Interior Design For A Cozy Reading Room

Barnes and Noble a maior rede de livrarias dos Estados Unidos Rodei
Barnes and Noble a maior rede de livrarias dos Estados Unidos Rodei from


If you are a book lover and live in Pasadena, California, Barnes and Noble is probably one of your favorite places to visit. However, wouldn't it be great to have a cozy reading room in your own home that captures the essence of Barnes and Noble? In this article, we will explore some interior design ideas and themes that can help you create a comfortable and inviting reading room that resembles your favorite bookstore.

Bookstore interior

Theme and Design Approach

The theme of our design approach is "Modern Rustic." We want to create a space that is warm, welcoming, and comfortable, but also modern and stylish. The colors we will use are warm and earthy, such as brown, beige, and green. We will also incorporate natural materials such as wood and stone to create a rustic feel.

Rustic interior

Color Scheme

The color scheme we will use is brown, beige, and green. We will use brown for the walls and the furniture, beige for the curtains, and green for the accent pieces. The brown color will create a warm and cozy atmosphere, while the beige color will add a touch of elegance. The green color will bring a natural element into the room.

Green accent

Furniture Placement

The furniture placement is crucial to creating a cozy reading room. We will place a comfortable armchair and ottoman in one corner of the room for reading. A bookshelf will be placed opposite the armchair, with books arranged in an aesthetically pleasing manner. A small coffee table will be placed between the armchair and the bookshelf. We will also add a comfortable sofa in another corner of the room for lounging and reading.


Decorative Options

To enhance the aesthetics of the room, we will add some decorative options. We will place some potted plants in the room to bring in a natural element. We will also add some wall art, such as framed quotes or vintage book covers, to add some visual interest. A cozy rug will be placed in the center of the room to tie everything together.

Book cover art


In conclusion, creating a cozy reading room that resembles Barnes and Noble can be a fun and rewarding project. By using warm and earthy colors, natural materials, comfortable furniture placement, and decorative options, you can create a space that is inviting and relaxing. With a little bit of creativity and imagination, you can turn your own home into your favorite bookstore.