Jurassic Park Barnes And Noble Interior Design

Jurassic Park Barnes And Noble Interior Design

Jurassic Park Little Golden Book (Jurassic Park) by Arie Kaplan, Josh
Jurassic Park Little Golden Book (Jurassic Park) by Arie Kaplan, Josh from www.barnesandnoble.com
Jurassic Park Barnes and Noble


If you're a fan of the Jurassic Park franchise and love to read, the idea of a Jurassic Park Barnes and Noble might sound like a dream come true. Combining the prehistoric world of the films with the literary world of the bookstore creates a unique and exciting space for book lovers and dinosaur enthusiasts alike.

Theme and Design Approach

The key to creating a successful Jurassic Park Barnes and Noble is to strike a balance between the two themes. While the prehistoric world of the films is rugged and wild, Barnes and Noble is a sophisticated and refined space. The design approach should incorporate elements of both themes without sacrificing the comfort and functionality of the space.

Jurassic Park bookstore design

Color Scheme

The color scheme for the space should be warm and inviting, with earthy tones like brown, beige, and green dominating. Accents of red and orange can be used to represent the danger and excitement of the prehistoric world. The lighting should be dim and moody, with spotlights highlighting certain areas of the store.

Jurassic Park color scheme

Furniture Placement

The furniture in the space should be comfortable and functional, with plush chairs and sofas dominating the seating area. The shelves should be made of dark wood to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The placement of the furniture should be strategic, with the seating area located in the center of the space to encourage browsing and reading.

Jurassic Park furniture

Decorative Options

The decorative options for the space should be subtle but effective. Dinosaur skeletons and fossils can be used to create a prehistoric atmosphere without overwhelming the space. Posters and artwork from the films can be used to add a touch of excitement and danger to the walls. Plants and greenery can be used to create a natural and inviting atmosphere.

Jurassic Park decor


A Jurassic Park Barnes and Noble would be a unique and exciting space for book lovers and dinosaur enthusiasts alike. By incorporating elements of both themes, such as a warm color scheme, comfortable furniture placement, and subtle decorative options, the space can provide a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for customers. Whether you're looking for a good book or a prehistoric adventure, a Jurassic Park Barnes and Noble would be the perfect place to visit.