Barnes And Noble Lexington Ky: Interior Decorating Ideas

Barnes And Noble Lexington Ky: Interior Decorating Ideas

Barnes & Noble Lexington, KY
Barnes & Noble Lexington, KY from


Barnes and Noble is a popular bookstore chain that has expanded its reach all over the United States. The Lexington, KY branch is one of the busiest locations and attracts a lot of customers. The interior of a store plays a significant role in enhancing the customer experience. As an interior decorator, I would like to suggest some ideas that can improve the aesthetics and comfortability of Barnes and Noble Lexington KY.

Barnes and Noble Storefront

Theme and Design Approach

The theme and design approach I recommend for Barnes and Noble Lexington KY is modern and minimalistic. The idea is to create a clean and uncluttered space that promotes relaxation and focus. The modern approach involves using simple and sleek furniture, neutral colors, and natural lighting. The minimalistic approach emphasizes on keeping only the essential elements in the space while discarding the unnecessary ones.

Modern Minimalistic Interior Design

Color Scheme

The color scheme I suggest for Barnes and Noble Lexington KY is a combination of white, beige, and light grey. These colors create a peaceful and calming atmosphere that is perfect for a bookstore. The white and beige tones are easy on the eyes and make the space feel more spacious. The light grey adds a touch of sophistication and complements the other colors well.

White Beige Grey Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

The furniture placement should be strategic and functional. The idea is to create a space that is easy to navigate and promotes relaxation. The furniture should be arranged in a way that maximizes the use of space and allows customers to move around comfortably. The seating areas should be placed near the windows to take advantage of natural lighting. The shelving should be arranged in a way that makes it easy for customers to browse and find what they are looking for.

Furniture Placement

Decorative Options

The decorative options should enhance the overall theme and design approach. The idea is to use decorative elements that are simple and minimalistic. The wall art should be chosen carefully to complement the color scheme and add visual interest. The lighting should be soft and warm to create a cozy atmosphere. The plants can be used to add a touch of nature and improve air quality.

Decorative Options


The modern and minimalistic approach with a white, beige, and light grey color scheme, strategic furniture placement, and simple decorative options can greatly enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of Barnes and Noble Lexington KY. These ideas can create a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere that attracts more customers and improves the overall customer experience.