Interior Decorating Tips: Dealing With A Dog'S Bathroom Issues

Interior Decorating Tips: Dealing With A Dog'S Bathroom Issues

Punishment for going to the bathroom in the house shaming dog
Punishment for going to the bathroom in the house shaming dog from


Having a dog can be a lot of fun, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. One of the most common issues that dog owners face is their pet going to the bathroom in the house. This can be frustrating and even lead to damage to your floors and furniture. However, there are ways to deal with this problem and still maintain a stylish and comfortable living space.

Dog urine stains on carpet

Choosing the Right Flooring

The first step in dealing with a dog's bathroom issues is to choose the right flooring for your home. If you have a dog that is prone to accidents or is still being trained, it's best to avoid carpeting as it can absorb and hold onto odors and stains. Instead, opt for hardwood or tile flooring that can be easily cleaned and sanitized. If you prefer the look and feel of carpeting, consider using area rugs that can be easily removed and cleaned.

Hardwood flooring

Creating a Designated Potty Area

Another way to deal with a dog's bathroom issues is to create a designated potty area in your home. This can be a small patch of grass in your backyard or a litter box for small dogs that live in apartments. By giving your dog a specific place to go, you can help train them to only use that area and avoid accidents elsewhere in your home. You can also decorate the area with plants or other decorative elements to make it look more appealing.

Dog potty area

Choosing the Right Furniture

When it comes to choosing furniture for a home with a dog, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider furniture that is easy to clean and maintain. Leather or vinyl upholstery can be wiped down quickly and won't absorb odors or stains. You can also use slipcovers on your furniture that can be easily removed and washed. Additionally, consider furniture with sturdy legs or bases that can withstand the occasional bump or scratch from your pet.

Leather sofa

Adding Decorative Elements

Just because you have a dog doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style in your home. There are plenty of decorative elements that can be added to your space that are both stylish and functional. For example, you can use decorative storage baskets to keep your dog's toys and other items organized. You can also add wall art or decorative pillows that feature dog-related themes or quotes. By incorporating these elements into your home, you can create a space that is both comfortable and reflective of your love for your furry friend.

Dog-themed wall art


Dealing with a dog's bathroom issues can be frustrating, but it doesn't have to mean sacrificing style and comfort in your home. By choosing the right flooring, creating a designated potty area, choosing the right furniture, and adding decorative elements, you can create a space that is both functional and stylish. With a little patience and creativity, you can have a home that both you and your furry friend can enjoy.

Interior Decorating: Creating A Barney And The Backyard Gang Themed Bedroom

Interior Decorating: Creating A Barney And The Backyard Gang Themed Bedroom

barney and the backyard gang YouTube
barney and the backyard gang YouTube from

The Theme: Barney and the Backyard Gang

When it comes to creating a themed room, it̢۪s important to choose a theme that you or your child loves. In this case, we̢۪ll be focusing on a Barney and the Backyard Gang theme. This classic children̢۪s show is known for its bright colors, catchy songs, and fun characters. By incorporating these elements into the bedroom, we can create a space that is both playful and comfortable.

Barney and the Backyard Gang characters

The Color Scheme

The color scheme for this room should be bright and cheerful, just like the show. Think purples, greens, yellows, and blues. These colors can be used on the walls, bedding, and accessories. One idea is to paint the walls a light purple and use green and yellow accents throughout the room. Another option is to use a colorful Barney and the Backyard Gang themed wallpaper as a statement wall.

Barney and the Backyard Gang wallpaper

Furniture Placement

The furniture in this room should be functional and comfortable. Start with a twin or full-sized bed, depending on the size of the room. Place the bed against a wall, ideally the wall with the statement wallpaper. Add a colorful comforter and throw pillows to make the bed inviting. Next, add a dresser for storage and a desk for homework or playtime. Place the desk near a window for natural light.

Barney and the Backyard Gang bedroom furniture

Decorative Options

When it comes to accessories, the options are endless. Start with a Barney and the Backyard Gang themed rug on the floor, and add colorful curtains to the windows. Hang posters, framed artwork, or decals on the walls. Add a bean bag chair or floor pillow for extra seating. Don̢۪t forget to add some plush Barney and the Backyard Gang toys to the bed for playtime and snuggles.

Barney and the Backyard Gang bedroom accessories


Creating a Barney and the Backyard Gang themed bedroom is a fun and playful way to decorate a child̢۪s room. By incorporating bright colors, comfortable furniture, and fun accessories, you can create a space that is both functional and enjoyable. So why not bring some of that classic children̢۪s show magic into your home?

The Backyard Stone Harbor: A Relaxed Retreat In Silo Structure

The Backyard Stone Harbor: A Relaxed Retreat In Silo Structure

The Back Yard Restaurant Stone Harbor, NJ Yelp
The Back Yard Restaurant Stone Harbor, NJ Yelp from
Backyard Stone Harbor


If you're looking for a relaxing retreat in your own backyard, the Stone Harbor design approach might be perfect for you. This design style utilizes natural elements like stone and wood to create a warm, comfortable atmosphere for both you and your guests. With a SILO structure, you can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors while still having the convenience and comfort of an indoor space.

Color Scheme

When it comes to the color scheme, you'll want to stick to neutral tones like beige, gray, and white. These colors will help create a calming atmosphere that's perfect for relaxation. You can also add pops of color with accents like throw pillows or rugs.
Neutral Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

When placing furniture in your Stone Harbor backyard, you'll want to create a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Arrange your seating in a circle or U-shape to encourage conversation and create a sense of closeness. You can also add a fire pit or outdoor fireplace to create a focal point for your seating area.
Stone Fire Pit

Decorative Options

To enhance the Stone Harbor design approach, consider adding natural elements like plants, rocks, and wood. You can also add outdoor lighting to create a warm, inviting atmosphere at night. A pergola or canopy can also provide shade and shelter while still allowing you to enjoy the outdoors.


The Stone Harbor design approach is perfect for those who want a relaxing, natural retreat in their own backyard. With a SILO structure, you can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors while still having the comfort and convenience of an indoor space. Stick to neutral color schemes, arrange your furniture in a cozy circle, and add natural elements to enhance the atmosphere. With these tips, you'll be able to create a backyard retreat that you'll never want to leave.
Interior Decorating: The Barney And The Backyard Gang Amy Theme

Interior Decorating: The Barney And The Backyard Gang Amy Theme

backyard fence montrealu Barney And The Backyard Gang Amy
backyard fence montrealu Barney And The Backyard Gang Amy from

The Theme

The Barney and the Backyard Gang Amy theme is perfect for a child's bedroom. It's bright, colorful, and playful, just like the show. The theme is centered around the character Amy, a little girl who loves to play and explore the world around her. The colors of the theme are pink, purple, and yellow, with a touch of green to represent the backyard.

Barney and the Backyard Gang Amy

Color Scheme

The color scheme for this theme is pink, purple, yellow, and green. The walls of the bedroom should be painted in a light shade of pink, with purple accents. The bedding should be yellow, with purple and green pillows to add a pop of color. The curtains should be a light shade of pink, with green accents. The carpet or rug should be a light shade of green, to represent the grass in the backyard.

Pink Purple Yellow Green Bedroom

Furniture Placement

The furniture in the bedroom should be placed in a way that maximizes space and functionality. The bed should be placed against the wall, with a nightstand on each side. The dresser should be placed against another wall, with a mirror above it. The desk should be placed near a window, to provide natural light for reading and studying. The chair for the desk should be comfortable and adjustable, to provide support for the child's back.

Kids Bedroom Furniture

Decorative Options

The decorative options for this theme are endless. Some ideas include:

  • A wall mural of Amy and her friends in the backyard
  • Stuffed animals of Barney and his friends on the bed
  • A play tent in the corner of the room, to represent the backyard
  • A growth chart on the wall, to track the child's height as they grow
  • A bookshelf filled with books about exploring and learning
Kids Bedroom Decor


The Barney and the Backyard Gang Amy theme is a fun and playful way to decorate a child's bedroom. The colors are bright and cheerful, the furniture is functional and comfortable, and the decorative options are endless. By incorporating this theme into a child's bedroom, you can create a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable, allowing the child to explore and learn in a fun and engaging way.

Tanning In The Backyard: A Relaxing Theme For Your Outdoor Space

Tanning In The Backyard: A Relaxing Theme For Your Outdoor Space

elegant tanning ) at your backyard home yard Erin heatherton
elegant tanning ) at your backyard home yard Erin heatherton from


If you love getting a tan and spending time outdoors, then creating a relaxing backyard space for tanning might be just what you need. With a few design ideas and some comfortable outdoor furniture, you can create a space that is perfect for soaking up the sun and enjoying the fresh air. In this article, we will explore some design approaches and decorative options that will help you create the perfect tanning space in your backyard.

Tanning in the Backyard

Choosing a Color Scheme

The first step in creating a relaxing tanning space in your backyard is to choose a color scheme that will help set the mood. Soft, neutral colors like beige, white, and light grey are perfect for creating a calming atmosphere. These colors also reflect light and will help keep the space cool and comfortable. You can also add pops of color with decorative pillows, rugs, and outdoor accessories.

Choosing a Color Scheme

Selecting Outdoor Furniture

When selecting outdoor furniture for your tanning space, comfort is key. Consider adding a chaise lounge or outdoor daybed with plenty of cushions for ultimate relaxation. A small side table is also a great addition for holding drinks or snacks while you soak up the sun. Look for furniture made from weather-resistant materials like wicker or metal to withstand the elements.

Selecting Outdoor Furniture

Adding Shade

While tanning in the sun can be relaxing, it's important to have some shade options to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Consider adding a large outdoor umbrella or a pergola with retractable shade panels. This will not only keep you cool and comfortable but also add a stylish touch to your tanning space.

Adding Shade

Decorative Touches

Finally, adding some decorative touches can help bring your tanning space to life. Consider adding potted plants, outdoor rugs, and decorative lighting to create a cozy atmosphere. You can also hang outdoor curtains for added privacy and style. Don't forget to add some speakers or a portable Bluetooth speaker to play your favorite tunes while you relax.

Decorative Touches


Creating a relaxing tanning space in your backyard is easy with a little creativity and some comfortable outdoor furniture. By choosing a calming color scheme, selecting comfortable furniture, adding shade options, and incorporating decorative touches, you can create a space that is perfect for soaking up the sun and enjoying the outdoors.

Interior Decorating: "Boo Singing In The Bathroom" Theme

Interior Decorating: "Boo Singing In The Bathroom" Theme

boo singing in the bathroom YouTube
boo singing in the bathroom YouTube from


Bathroom Decorating Ideas

Decorating your home is a great way to express your personality and make your living space more comfortable and inviting. If you're looking for a fun and quirky theme for your bathroom, then "Boo Singing in the Bathroom" might be just what you need. This theme is all about creating a relaxing and playful atmosphere in your bathroom, while also incorporating elements of music and Halloween. In this article, we'll explore some tips and ideas for decorating your bathroom with this theme in mind.

Color Scheme

Bathroom Decorating Ideas

The first thing to consider when decorating your bathroom with a "Boo Singing in the Bathroom" theme is the color scheme. You want to create a space that feels relaxing and inviting, while also incorporating elements of Halloween. One great option is to use a black and white color scheme, with pops of orange and purple for a festive touch. You can also add in some metallic accents, such as silver or gold, to add some shine to the space.

Wall Decor

Bathroom Decorating Ideas

When it comes to wall decor, there are plenty of options for a "Boo Singing in the Bathroom" theme. One idea is to hang up some musical notes or instruments on the walls, such as a guitar or microphone. You can also incorporate some Halloween-themed wall art, such as a spooky bat or ghost. Another fun option is to create a gallery wall of vintage Halloween postcards or photographs.

Shower Curtain

Bathroom Decorating Ideas

The shower curtain is an important element of any bathroom, and it's a great opportunity to bring in some of the "Boo Singing in the Bathroom" theme. Look for a shower curtain with a musical or Halloween-inspired design, such as a black and white piano keyboard or a spooky haunted house. You can also opt for a solid black or white shower curtain and add in some festive touches with your bath mat and towels.

Bath Mat and Towels

Bathroom Decorating Ideas

Speaking of bath mats and towels, these are great opportunities to add in some fun and festive elements to your bathroom decor. Look for bath mats with musical notes or Halloween-inspired designs, such as a spiderweb or jack-o-lantern. For your towels, consider using black or white towels with some orange or purple accents. You can also add in some fun touches, such as a hand towel with a musical note or a Halloween-themed washcloth.

Storage and Organization

Bathroom Decorating Ideas

Finally, don't forget about storage and organization in your "Boo Singing in the Bathroom" themed bathroom. Look for storage solutions that fit with your theme, such as a black wire basket or a musical note-shaped tray. You can also incorporate some Halloween-themed storage solutions, such as a ghost-shaped soap dispenser or a pumpkin-shaped tissue box. Remember, the key is to have fun and create a space that reflects your personality and style.


If you're looking for a fun and playful theme for your bathroom, then "Boo Singing in the Bathroom" might be just what you need. By incorporating elements of music and Halloween into your decor, you can create a space that feels relaxing and inviting, while also reflecting your personality and style. From the color scheme to the shower curtain to the storage solutions, there are plenty of opportunities to get creative and have fun with this theme.

The Barnes Foundation Hours: A Rustic And Cozy Bedroom Design

The Barnes Foundation Hours: A Rustic And Cozy Bedroom Design

Barnes Foundation by Tod Williams and Billie Tsien in Philadelphia, USA
Barnes Foundation by Tod Williams and Billie Tsien in Philadelphia, USA from


When it comes to designing a bedroom, there are endless possibilities. However, one theme that never goes out of style is the rustic barn look. This design is perfect for those who want to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in their bedroom. In this article, we will explore the different elements that can be used to create a Barnes Foundation inspired room.

Color Scheme

The first step in creating a barn-inspired bedroom is choosing the right color scheme. The most common colors associated with this theme are earthy tones, such as browns, greens, and grays. These colors can be used for the walls, bedding, and accessories. It is important to keep in mind that the goal is to create a warm and cozy environment, so avoid using bright or bold colors.

Furniture Placement

The next step is to choose the right furniture pieces and arrange them in a way that maximizes space and functionality. For a barn-inspired bedroom, it is best to choose furniture made of natural materials such as wood or wrought iron. The bed should be the focal point of the room, so it should be placed in the center of the room facing the entrance. Nightstands, dressers, and shelves can be placed on either side of the bed. A cozy armchair or a bench at the foot of the bed can be added for extra seating.

Decorative Options

Once the color scheme and furniture placement have been established, it is time to add some finishing touches to the room. Decorative options can include artwork, lighting fixtures, and accessories. For a barn-inspired bedroom, artwork can feature landscapes, farm animals, or vintage signs. Lighting fixtures can be made of wrought iron or other metal materials. Accessories such as throw pillows, blankets, and rugs can be used to add texture and warmth to the room.


A barn-inspired bedroom is a great way to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home. By using earthy tones, natural materials, and rustic accessories, you can transform any bedroom into a warm and inviting space. Whether you live in the country or the city, a barn-inspired bedroom is a great way to add a touch of rustic charm to your home.

The Barn Little Compton: A Relaxed English Language With Silo Structure

The Barn Little Compton: A Relaxed English Language With Silo Structure

Unique 60 of The Barn Little Compton ghahveyesard
Unique 60 of The Barn Little Compton ghahveyesard from
The Barn Little Compton


The Barn Little Compton is a unique architectural structure that combines the relaxed English language with SILO structure. Located in Warwickshire, England, this barn is designed to provide comfortability and aesthetics to its occupants. The barn is built with high-quality materials that are both durable and eco-friendly. It is a perfect place to relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Theme and Design Approach

Theme and Design Approach


The theme for The Barn Little Compton is a combination of traditional English and modern design. The structure is built with a rustic feel that is both warm and inviting. The design approach is minimalist with a focus on functionality and simplicity.

Design Approach

The design approach for The Barn Little Compton is to create a warm and inviting space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The use of natural materials such as wood, stone and metal is prominent throughout the structure. The furniture is placed strategically to create a comfortable and spacious feel. The color scheme is neutral with a focus on earthy tones such as brown, beige and green. The lighting is soft and warm to create a cozy atmosphere.

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

The color scheme for The Barn Little Compton is a combination of earthy tones such as brown, beige and green. These colors create a warm and inviting atmosphere that is both relaxing and calming. The use of natural materials such as wood, stone and metal also adds to the overall color scheme.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

The furniture in The Barn Little Compton is placed strategically to create a comfortable and spacious feel. The main living area is furnished with a large sofa, chairs and coffee table. The dining area is furnished with a large wooden table and chairs. The bedroom is furnished with a large bed, nightstands and a dresser. The furniture is all made of high-quality materials that are both durable and eco-friendly.

Other Decorative Options

Other Decorative Options

Other decorative options in The Barn Little Compton include the use of plants, artwork and decorative pillows. Plants are used throughout the structure to add a natural element and to purify the air. Artwork is used to add a personal touch and to create a focal point. Decorative pillows are used to add comfort and to tie in the color scheme.


The Barn Little Compton is a unique architectural structure that combines the relaxed English language with SILO structure. The theme and design approach is a combination of traditional English and modern design. The color scheme is neutral with a focus on earthy tones such as brown, beige and green. The furniture is placed strategically to create a comfortable and spacious feel. Other decorative options include the use of plants, artwork and decorative pillows. The Barn Little Compton is a perfect place to relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.