Interior Decorating: Wayfair Platform Bed

Grain Wood Furniture Shaker Platform Bed & Reviews Wayfair
Grain Wood Furniture Shaker Platform Bed & Reviews Wayfair from

The Theme

If you're looking to create a serene and calming atmosphere in your bedroom, then a minimalist design approach might be the way to go. A minimalist design is all about simplicity and functionality, making it a great choice for those who want a space that is easy to maintain and clutter-free. When it comes to color schemes, a minimalist design often relies on neutral tones like white, beige, and gray, which can help create a sense of openness and tranquility.

Minimalist Bedroom

The Wayfair Platform Bed

The Wayfair Platform Bed is a stylish and modern piece of furniture that can help bring your minimalist design to life. The bed's sleek and simple design is perfect for those who want to create an uncluttered and streamlined look in their bedroom. It's also incredibly versatile, making it a great choice for a variety of different interior design styles.

Wayfair Platform Bed

Color Scheme

When it comes to choosing a color scheme for your minimalist bedroom, you'll want to stick with neutral tones like white, beige, and gray. These colors help create a sense of openness and tranquility, which is exactly what you want in a minimalist space. You can also add a pop of color with a few accent pieces, like decorative pillows or a throw blanket.

Neutral Color Palette

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement in a minimalist bedroom, less is definitely more. You'll want to keep the space as uncluttered as possible, so consider only including essential pieces like the Wayfair Platform Bed, a nightstand, and a dresser. Try to keep the furniture close to the walls to create an open and spacious feel.

Minimalist Bedroom Furniture

Decorative Options

While a minimalist design is all about simplicity, that doesn't mean you can't add a few decorative touches to your bedroom. Consider adding some greenery with a few potted plants or hanging some artwork on the walls. You could also add a few decorative pillows or a throw blanket to add some texture and warmth to the space.

Minimalist Bedroom Decor


The Wayfair Platform Bed is a great choice for those who want to create a minimalist bedroom that is both stylish and functional. With its sleek and simple design, it can help bring your interior decorating vision to life. By sticking to a neutral color scheme, keeping furniture placement minimal, and adding a few decorative touches, you can create a serene and calming atmosphere in your bedroom that is perfect for rest and relaxation.

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