How To Keep Barn Swallows Away

How to Scare Away Barn Swallows Bird Prevention Tips
How to Scare Away Barn Swallows Bird Prevention Tips from


Barn swallows are beautiful birds that are known for their distinctive forked tails and graceful flight. However, their nesting habits can be a nuisance for homeowners. If you have barn swallows nesting on your property, you may be wondering how to keep them away. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to do just that.

Understand the Habits of Barn Swallows

The first step in keeping barn swallows away is to understand their habits. Barn swallows are migratory birds that typically spend their winters in South America and their summers in North America. They are known for their distinctive mud nests, which they build under eaves, on beams, and on other structures.

Barn Swallows' Nesting Season

The nesting season for barn swallows typically runs from March to September. During this time, they are actively building nests and laying eggs. It is important to note that barn swallows are a protected species under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so it is illegal to remove an active nest.

Why Barn Swallows Nest on Your Property

Barn swallows are attracted to properties that have open areas for foraging and water sources for drinking and bathing. They are also attracted to structures that provide shelter and support for their nests.

How to Keep Barn Swallows Away

Remove Nesting Materials

If you want to keep barn swallows away, the first step is to remove any nesting materials from your property. This includes mud, grass, and feathers that they may use to build their nests.

Block Access to Nesting Sites

If barn swallows have already built nests on your property, you can block access to those sites by using netting or wire mesh. This will prevent them from entering the area and building new nests.

Install Decoys

Another option is to install decoys that look like predators, such as owls or hawks. This can deter barn swallows from nesting on your property.

Use Sonic Repellents

Sonic repellents emit high-pitched noises that are unpleasant to barn swallows. These can be effective in keeping them away from your property.

Use Visual Deterrents

Visual deterrents, such as reflective tape or shiny objects, can also be effective in keeping barn swallows away. They are attracted to shiny objects, so this can be a good way to deter them.


Barn swallows are beautiful birds, but their nesting habits can be a nuisance for homeowners. If you want to keep them away from your property, there are several options available. It is important to understand their habits and to take action early in the nesting season to prevent them from building nests on your property. Remember, it is illegal to remove an active nest, so it is best to take action before they start building.

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