How To Replace Bathtub Drain Assembly

How To Replace Bathtub Drain Assembly

How to Convert Bathtub Drain Lever to a Lift and Turn Drain The
How to Convert Bathtub Drain Lever to a Lift and Turn Drain The from
Bathtub Drain Assembly


If you are facing a clogged bathtub drain or if the existing drain assembly has become worn out, you may need to replace it. While this may seem like a daunting task, it is actually a relatively simple DIY project that can be completed with a few basic tools and some patience. In this article, we will walk you through the steps on how to replace a bathtub drain assembly.

Tools Required

Plumbing Tools

Before you begin, you will need to gather the following tools:

  • Plumbers Putty
  • Adjustable Wrench
  • Pliers
  • Screwdriver
  • Plumbing Tape
  • New Bathtub Drain Assembly

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Remove the Old Drain Assembly

Removing Old Drain Assembly

The first step is to remove the old drain assembly. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Remove the drain cover by unscrewing it from the drain.
  2. Use the pliers to remove the drain stopper by unscrewing it from the drain assembly.
  3. Use the adjustable wrench to loosen the drain assembly by turning it counter-clockwise.
  4. Once the assembly is loose enough, you can use your hands to unscrew it and remove it from the bathtub drain.

Step 2: Clean the Drain Area

Cleaning Drain Area

Once the old drain assembly has been removed, you will need to clean the drain area thoroughly. Use a rag to wipe away any debris or residue, and use a scrub brush to clean the area around the drain.

Step 3: Apply Plumbers Putty

Applying Plumbers Putty

Apply a thin layer of plumbers putty around the lip of the new drain assembly. This will help create a watertight seal once the assembly is installed.

Step 4: Install the New Drain Assembly

Installing New Drain Assembly

Once the plumbers putty has been applied, you can install the new drain assembly by following these steps:

  1. Insert the new drain assembly into the bathtub drain.
  2. Use your hands to tighten the assembly by turning it clockwise.
  3. Use the adjustable wrench to tighten the assembly further, ensuring that it is firmly in place.

Step 5: Reattach the Drain Cover and Stopper

Reattaching Drain Cover and Stopper

Finally, you can reattach the drain cover and stopper by following these steps:

  1. Apply plumbing tape to the threads of the new drain assembly.
  2. Screw the drain cover back onto the drain.
  3. Insert the drain stopper back into the drain assembly and tighten it using the screwdriver.


Replacing a bathtub drain assembly may seem like a daunting task, but it is actually a relatively simple DIY project that can be completed with a few basic tools and some patience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can replace your old drain assembly and restore your bathtub to its former glory.

Interior Decorating: Designing The Perfect Bedroom

Interior Decorating: Designing The Perfect Bedroom

CNA Skill Bed Bath YouTube
CNA Skill Bed Bath YouTube from


bedroom decorating ideas

Designing a bedroom can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and eye for detail, it can be transformed into a cozy and inviting space. The key to a successful bedroom design is to strike a balance between aesthetics and comfortability. In this article, we will discuss how to create a bedroom that is both stylish and relaxing.

Color Scheme

bedroom color schemes

The first step in designing a bedroom is to choose the color scheme. If you want a calm and relaxing space, opt for cool colors such as blues, greens, and purples. If you want a more energizing space, choose warmer colors such as yellows, oranges, and reds. Neutral colors such as beige, gray, and white are also a popular choice for bedrooms as they create a serene and sophisticated atmosphere.

Furniture Placement

bedroom furniture placement

The placement of furniture is crucial in creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing bedroom. The bed should be the focal point of the room and placed in the center of the longest wall. Nightstands should be placed on either side of the bed, and dressers or chests of drawers should be placed against the walls. If you have a small bedroom, consider using multifunctional furniture such as a bed with built-in storage or a dresser with a mirror.


bedroom lighting

Lighting is an important aspect of bedroom design as it can affect the mood of the room. Soft and warm lighting is ideal for creating a relaxing atmosphere, while bright and cool lighting can make the room feel energizing. Consider using a combination of overhead lighting, table lamps, and floor lamps to create a layered lighting scheme that can be adjusted according to your needs.

Bedding and Accessories

bedroom accessories

The bedding and accessories you choose can add personality and style to the room. Opt for high-quality bedding in soft and comfortable fabrics such as cotton or linen. Add throw pillows and a cozy blanket to the bed to create a warm and inviting look. Artwork, decorative objects, and plants can also be used to add texture and interest to the room.


Designing a bedroom can be a fun and rewarding experience. By following these tips and guidelines, you can create a bedroom that is both stylish and comfortable. Remember to choose a color scheme that suits your taste, place furniture in a functional and aesthetically pleasing way, use lighting to create the right mood, and add bedding and accessories to add personality and style to the room.

How To Paint Tile In Bathroom

How To Paint Tile In Bathroom

How To Paint Bathroom Tile Before And After Everything Bathroom
How To Paint Bathroom Tile Before And After Everything Bathroom from
painted bathroom tile


If you're looking for a way to update your bathroom without ripping out the tile, painting it can be a great option. Painting tile can be a cost-effective way to give your bathroom a fresh look. In this article, we'll go over how to paint tile in your bathroom, including preparation, painting, and finishing.

Materials Needed

Before starting, gather the necessary materials. You'll need:

Cleaning Supplies

- TSP cleaner - Sponge or rag - Bucket - Water

Painting Supplies

- Tile primer - Tile paint - Paintbrushes - Paint roller - Paint tray

Protective Gear

- Gloves - Mask - Goggles
painting supplies


Before painting your bathroom tile, it's important to properly clean and prepare the surface. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Clean the Tile

Clean the tile using TSP cleaner to remove any dirt or grime. Mix TSP cleaner with water according to package instructions, then apply it to the tile using a sponge or rag. Rinse the tile with water and let it dry completely.

Step 2: Sand the Tile

Lightly sand the tile using a fine-grit sandpaper. This will help the primer adhere better to the tile.

Step 3: Tape and Cover

Tape off any areas you don't want to paint, such as the bathtub or sink. Cover the floor and any fixtures with drop cloths or plastic sheeting.


Step 1: Prime the Tile

Apply tile primer to the tile using a paintbrush or roller. Make sure to apply the primer evenly and let it dry completely.

Step 2: Paint the Tile

Apply tile paint to the tile using a paintbrush or roller. Make sure to apply the paint evenly and let it dry completely before applying a second coat.

Step 3: Apply a Second Coat

Apply a second coat of tile paint if necessary. Let it dry completely before removing any tape or plastic sheeting.


Step 1: Seal the Tile

Apply a tile sealer to protect the paint and make it easier to clean. Follow the package instructions for application and drying time.

Step 2: Remove Tape and Plastic Sheeting

Carefully remove any tape or plastic sheeting from the bathroom. Dispose of it properly.

Step 3: Enjoy Your Freshly Painted Bathroom Tile!

Once the sealer has dried, your bathroom tile is ready to use. Enjoy your newly updated bathroom!
finished bathroom


Painting bathroom tile can be a simple and cost-effective way to update your bathroom. Make sure to properly clean and prepare the surface before painting, and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the primer, paint, and sealer. With a little bit of time and effort, you can have a freshly updated bathroom that looks great!
How To Keep Barn Swallows Away

How To Keep Barn Swallows Away

How to Scare Away Barn Swallows Bird Prevention Tips
How to Scare Away Barn Swallows Bird Prevention Tips from


Barn swallows are beautiful birds that are known for their distinctive forked tails and graceful flight. However, their nesting habits can be a nuisance for homeowners. If you have barn swallows nesting on your property, you may be wondering how to keep them away. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to do just that.

Understand the Habits of Barn Swallows

The first step in keeping barn swallows away is to understand their habits. Barn swallows are migratory birds that typically spend their winters in South America and their summers in North America. They are known for their distinctive mud nests, which they build under eaves, on beams, and on other structures.

Barn Swallows' Nesting Season

The nesting season for barn swallows typically runs from March to September. During this time, they are actively building nests and laying eggs. It is important to note that barn swallows are a protected species under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so it is illegal to remove an active nest.

Why Barn Swallows Nest on Your Property

Barn swallows are attracted to properties that have open areas for foraging and water sources for drinking and bathing. They are also attracted to structures that provide shelter and support for their nests.

How to Keep Barn Swallows Away

Remove Nesting Materials

If you want to keep barn swallows away, the first step is to remove any nesting materials from your property. This includes mud, grass, and feathers that they may use to build their nests.

Block Access to Nesting Sites

If barn swallows have already built nests on your property, you can block access to those sites by using netting or wire mesh. This will prevent them from entering the area and building new nests.

Install Decoys

Another option is to install decoys that look like predators, such as owls or hawks. This can deter barn swallows from nesting on your property.

Use Sonic Repellents

Sonic repellents emit high-pitched noises that are unpleasant to barn swallows. These can be effective in keeping them away from your property.

Use Visual Deterrents

Visual deterrents, such as reflective tape or shiny objects, can also be effective in keeping barn swallows away. They are attracted to shiny objects, so this can be a good way to deter them.


Barn swallows are beautiful birds, but their nesting habits can be a nuisance for homeowners. If you want to keep them away from your property, there are several options available. It is important to understand their habits and to take action early in the nesting season to prevent them from building nests on your property. Remember, it is illegal to remove an active nest, so it is best to take action before they start building.

How To Unclog A Bathtub Drain With A Snake

How To Unclog A Bathtub Drain With A Snake

Bathtub Drain Stuck Down
Bathtub Drain Stuck Down from
Plumbing snake


A clogged bathtub drain can be a frustrating problem. It can cause water to back up in the tub, making it difficult or impossible to take a shower or bath. One of the most effective ways to unclog a bathtub drain is by using a plumbing snake. A plumbing snake is a long, flexible tool that can reach deep into the drain to remove clogs. In this article, we will discuss how to unclog a bathtub drain with a snake.

What You Will Need

Before you begin, you will need a few tools:
Tools needed
  • A plumbing snake
  • A bucket
  • A pair of gloves
  • A flashlight
  • Plastic sheeting or old towels (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Remove any standing water

Before you start using the plumbing snake, it's important to remove any standing water from the bathtub. You can do this by using a bucket or a cup to scoop out the water. If the water is too deep, you may want to use plastic sheeting or old towels to absorb as much water as possible.
Removing standing water

Step 2: Remove the drain cover

Next, you will need to remove the drain cover. This can usually be done by unscrewing the screws that hold it in place. If the screws are rusted or difficult to remove, you can use a flathead screwdriver to pry off the cover.
Removing drain cover

Step 3: Insert the plumbing snake

Once the drain cover is removed, you can insert the plumbing snake into the drain. Start by feeding the snake into the drain and turning the handle clockwise. As you turn the handle, the snake will begin to move down the drain. Keep turning the handle until you feel resistance.
Inserting plumbing snake

Step 4: Break up the clog

When you feel resistance, you have likely reached the clog. Push and pull the snake in and out of the drain to break up the clog. You may feel the snake start to move more easily as the clog begins to break apart.
Breaking up clog

Step 5: Remove the snake and test the drain

Once you have broken up the clog, remove the snake from the drain. Use a flashlight to check for any remaining debris in the drain. Finally, run some water to test the drain and make sure the clog has been completely removed.
Testing drain


Using a plumbing snake is an effective way to unclog a bathtub drain. By following these simple steps, you can remove even stubborn clogs and enjoy a fully functional bathtub once again.
How To Refinish A Bathtub

How To Refinish A Bathtub

HOW TO REFINISH A BATHTUB DIY real Refinish bathtub, Clawfoot tub
HOW TO REFINISH A BATHTUB DIY real Refinish bathtub, Clawfoot tub from
Refinished Bathtub


Refinishing a bathtub is a great way to give your bathroom a fresh, new look without breaking the bank. It's a simple process that can be done in a weekend, and the end result is a shiny, smooth surface that looks and feels brand new. In this article, we'll go over the steps you need to take to refinish your bathtub and give it a new lease on life.

Gather Your Supplies

Supplies for Bathtub Refinishing

The first step in refinishing your bathtub is to gather all of the necessary supplies. You'll need:

  • A bathtub refinishing kit
  • A respirator mask
  • Safety glasses
  • Gloves
  • A paintbrush
  • Sandpaper
  • A cloth

Clean the Bathtub

Clean Bathtub

Before you can start refinishing your bathtub, you need to make sure it's clean and free of any dirt, grime, or soap scum. Use a bathtub cleaner and a scrub brush to thoroughly clean the surface of the tub. Rinse the tub with water and dry it with a cloth.

Remove the Caulk

Removing Caulk

Next, you'll need to remove any caulk around the edges of the tub. Use a caulk remover tool to loosen the caulk, then use a putty knife to scrape it off. Make sure you remove all of the caulk before moving on to the next step.

Sand the Bathtub

Sanding Bathtub

Use sandpaper to rough up the surface of the bathtub. This will help the refinishing kit adhere better to the surface. Make sure you sand the entire surface of the tub, including the sides and the bottom.

Apply the Refinishing Kit

Bathtub Refinishing Kit

Now it's time to apply the refinishing kit. Follow the instructions on the kit carefully, as different kits may have different application methods. Generally, you'll need to mix the two-part epoxy together, then apply it to the surface of the tub with a paintbrush. Make sure you apply an even coat, and be careful not to leave any bubbles or streaks.

Let the Refinishing Kit Dry

Drying Bathtub

Once you've applied the refinishing kit, you'll need to let it dry completely. This may take several hours, so be patient and don't use the bathtub until the kit is completely dry.

Apply a Second Coat (Optional)

Second Coat

If you want to ensure that your bathtub is as smooth and shiny as possible, you can apply a second coat of the refinishing kit. Follow the same application method as before, and let the second coat dry completely.

Re-Caulk the Edges


Once the refinishing kit is completely dry, you can re-caulk the edges of the tub. Use a caulking gun and a fresh tube of caulk to apply a new bead of caulk around the edges of the tub. Smooth it out with your finger or a caulk smoothing tool.


Refinishing a bathtub is a simple and affordable way to give your bathroom a fresh, new look. With the right supplies and a little bit of patience, you can have a shiny, smooth bathtub that looks and feels brand new. Follow the steps outlined in this article, and you'll be on your way to a beautifully refinished bathtub in no time.